What should my skater wear? 

For CanSkate and PreCanSkate, as the arena is cold, skaters should dress in layered clothing that allows for movement. Waterproof pants are always a good idea, especially in PreCanskate, where our skaters spend a lot of time learning how to fall down and get up! Mittens or gloves must also be worn.

A CSA approved helmet is mandatory (no bike or ski helmets allowed). Skaters will not be allowed on the ice without a CSA approved helmet unless they have passed the full Stage 5 badge and have been approved by a coach to remove their helmet. 

PreSTAR, STARSkate and CompetitiveSkate participants should wear fitted shirts/jackets and leggings/pants. No hoods, jeans, or baggy clothing are permitted. Mittens are optional. Hair must be out of the face and tied back. 

What kind of skates should I buy? 

If the skater is in PreSTAR, Adult figure skating or STARSkate, they must have figure skates. We recommend purchasing new or used skates from United Sport & Cycle or ProSkate, which are the only stores in Edmonton that sell quality figure skates. Proper equipment is key to success.

For our Learn to Skate programs of CanSkate, PreCanSkate and Adult/Teen skate, figure skates or hockey skates can be worn, but lace up skates are highly recommended. Skates that are molded with a buckle or latch are not recommended.

Make sure the skates are sharpened before first use and that care is taken to wipe the blades dry after use.

Hockey vs figure skates? Either option is fine. There is no one option that is more difficult to first learn on. However, switching from hockey to figure skates can be a hard transition. So, if your skater is interested in figure skating, they should start with figure skates!

Make sure the skates are tied properly. Check out the videos below for how-to videos on how to properly lace and tie skates. 

Who will be coaching my skater?

Skate Canada Professional Skating Coaches and Skate Canada Program Assistants will be coaching your skater. All coaches are certified with Skate Canada and the NCCP (National Coaching Certificate Program) and hold valid First Aid certification. Program Assistants are older skaters who are members of Figure 8 Skating Club, who have undergone training on PreCanSkate and CanSkate sessions, and they provide program assistance to skaters and coaches. 

What is your make up class policy?

Make up classes will only be offered in special circumstances. Figure 8 Skating Club is not required to offer make up classes but will do our best to accommodate where we can. Please email the Skating Director at skatingdirector@figure8skating.ca to arrange a make up session.

What is your refund policy?

Refunds will be issued up to and including the second week of class, and will be prorated based on classes already attended. After the second week of class, a credit may be issued towards future programs. In exceptional circumstances, such as a serious medical condition, a refund may be considered for classes not yet attended. The Skate Canada membership fee cannot be refunded under any circumstance, as it is paid by Figure 8 Skating Club to Skate Canada. This refund policy applies to all Figure 8 Skating Club programs. There will also be a 10% non-refundable fee for all refunds.

What is your drop-in policy?

Drop in classes are only available to STARSkate participants. Fees are $25 for non-members or $17 for members. Skaters may do up to a maximum of 12 drop ins per season. All skaters (members and non-members) must get permission from the skating director (skatingdirector@figure8skating.ca) BEFORE they come to drop in. All skaters and guest coaches must be current and valid registered members of Skate Canada and provide proof of such before doing a drop in. 

If you have any other questions, please contact the club at info@figure8skating.ca.


Parent Code of Conduct

Skating Etiquette