Return to Skating Update
Hi skating families,
We want to give you an update on where we are at with regards to returning to skating. As you might know, the Alberta government announced that arenas would be included in stage 2 of reopening, which started on June 12th. The City of Edmonton has now also announced that several arenas are slated to open in July, and several private arenas in the city are already open and operating. In addition, Skate Canada has developed a very comprehensive list of operating protocols that must be in place prior to returning to skating. This will ensure that we have the processes in place to ensure we remain safe.
We have appointed Scott Olsen as the COVID-19 Lead on our Board of Directors, to help the Club navigate through the rules and protocols. Scott works at Alberta Health Services and is very aware of the changing situation. We are currently in the process of developing Return to Skating protocols that are specific to our club.
Based on these developments and the results of the recent survey, we are considering offering a 5-week program over the summer. We are exploring a few options for ice availability so stay tuned!
The purpose of a summer program is to replace what we lost with the cancellation of our spring program. It will enable our skaters to get back on the ice doing what they love. We also want to be a safe option for skaters that might not have much else to do this summer.
Thank you for your patience as we navigate through this together. We are excited about the possibility of returning to skating in a safe and organized way. We want to be able to offer our skaters a fun way to stay active while staying safe.
Stay tuned for updates in the very near future!
Board of Directors
Figure 8 Skating Club